matt hyland On Monday, 5 March 2012

A very interresting day in creating the bomber colour scheme.

Scheme 1, was developped before the tutoril with phil, it was relied off the influence of the Lion Fish, with its stripes, but it comes accross too kind nd sweet like, a bit too friendly. Discussing with phil, he said to make it black with a highlight like the piranha, or like the giant moray eel. Schemes 2 and 3 are a development on this, I was thinking it would be good to have a pearl essence colour of black and red, so you will hve this black, with a red shine to it. Scheme 3 I desided to try out the stripes again, with a much darker colour to it, I feel that this woorks well, but I still really like scheme 2

I decided to create a quick corporate Logo, something simple and menacing 

One Response so far.

  1. Jackie says:

    The grey/red versions are definitely more menacing then the lion fish version! I'm not sure about the stipes on number 3....maybe just try applying them to the main body, perhaps, rather than right down to the tail and on the engines?

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