matt hyland On Thursday, 22 September 2011

This is my final of the Big Ben concept, I feel that its turnned more industrial than homely im up for sudgestions on improvements but I dont want to spend too long on one concept

One Response so far.

  1. tutorphil says:

    Hey Matthew - this is a very positive beginning, but you need to think in less generic, and more exaggerated terms - think in terms of a coral reef - right now it looks as if big ben has some oblongs attached to it, which seem standardised - think about it more 'organically' - imagine the environment building up in layers - one shape upon another:

    But also think more creatively about the shapes etc - the components from which those layers are made:

    search for '1940s' cars/ships/planes/factories/trains etc. - all the components that would be scavenged and assembled put to original uses...

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