matt hyland On Monday 27 September 2010

I asked Phill earlier about how many influence maps, was it ok to create for the character project, and he said it was perfectly fine, through this I decided to create maps for the three main characters basing up on the styles that I was going for and the influences that I'm looking at. this is an influence map for the rocker dude, and am looking at South park and punk o matic characters as influence to the whole style to the characters. 

An influence map is like the DNA of your story and character.

Here I'm trying to merge together the characteristics of the nerd, Will from Inbertweeners, is a strong influence to the way I would like my nerd to look, and his DNA coming from the characters arround.

The head master I would like to be very cyborg like, developped by the nerd as I've expressed, but has thrown up the question of how he would get the cyborg to take over the school, so I was thinking of an off shoot, to this of, having the nerd being able do mind control, or a mind inplant put up in the present head master, like the way the alians, implant the pearnts, from the film "Invaders from Mars"

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  3. Hi Matt,
    you may want to look at these for further inspiration, to get the right saturday morning tv feel:

    Sky High

    Galaxy High
    This may also be checking out: Galaxy High. Ok so its aliens/High School, but it should give you some ideas for the High school Genre:

    Gravesdale High
    Same set up, just this time its Monsters/High School:

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