matt hyland On Sunday 26 September 2010

I'm trying to create concept back story for the characters that I'm looking at. reading the comment, I've decided to concentrate, on the three main characters, and what they could do supper hero ways and styles.

So to clarify what they are, I've decided to go for

Nerd (villain)

Head master (side kick)

Rocker dude (Hero)

 Here I'm taking influences from south park, and a game that I like to play, that is Punk-O-Matic and being his style, his weapon, has to be a guitar.

 I'm using more of the character structure as a base up on the design.

 The head master, I'm thinking of basing him to be a bit like Herman Munster, very tall and lanky, showing the stature of a head master, yet characteristically not very bright looking, robotic, clumsy, and looking a bit zombie like, to show that he is under control by something else.

The nerds back story is a quite a simple one of wanting power and taking over the school after year's of being bullied, and through his intelligence he creates a fake head master, (though this has created a few more questions of how he gets his head master in control of the school, by replacing the original one)

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