matt hyland On Thursday 3 December 2009


Mayakul is really quite freaky, though his imagery is slightly inspiring, due to this this is just a simple girls face. but the use of colour he has made it cold, dark and sedistic. It's like he's taken the wormth and chucked it away by using whites and blcks, the face is as if it is looming out the darkness heading towards you. the face reminds me of that of the Unborn,

The image is quite close you could ask whether these are brother and sister... This is also linked about how people don't like the undead, and sparks off a feeling of discomfort. children used in horror also sparks of the hysteria as children are seen as funny but horror films take that and morph into something else.

his buidings also like dark catheadral gothic like mantions that rise above you. Itis always the grandness of a place that hits us and scars us. the classic use of the gothic hounted manchion look always creeps us out, due there always being am unhomely expireance or feel about it.

4 Comment

  1. Tom Beg says:

    Thanks for posting this artwork dude, I really like the building stuff.

  2. Ath31as says:

    Mayakul seems to desaturate her images and crops them with the use of shadows whereas 'the unborn' gets the same results by using the blue tinges, but in both images its the expresionless face, that sends shivers down my back.

  3. tutorphil says:

    Evening Matt,

    The images of children you posted reminded me of this...


    see the trailer for the original film version of John Wyndam's novel The Midwich Cuckoos, filmed as Village of the Damned...

    If you get the chance to watch it, you should - it's GREAT!!!

  4. tutorphil says:

    'Return of the Invasion of the Body-Snatchers' - see below for snippets from the three remakes - and, if you have time, give them a go - the 1993 version is often overlooked...




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