I feel that I've been working in abit of a garden shed lately through not posting mutch my progress up on my 80's roller skate, something I do apologise for.
Here I'm just referrencing on how I've created the shape through copying a shoe print from an autograph
I worked and minipulated the shoe shape by using a rough box, to create the scale. The box later took the shape of the Gobots head
Finaly I present the finalized 80's skate
This skate has been the toughest skate to build and plan, though I had the autographs to help me, it was still very difficult to plan how particuallt the top part looked, another tricky part was creating the skate trucks
This is the wire frame of the toy. I think there maybe a bit too mutch geometry in places.
This is the finalized version of the truck, it was very difficult shape to build.
These refrence images I used to create this part, it was a tricky part to make, there's is a part of me still arguing on wether it to still look right, but I must emember that this is for a game fpr about 7+ so I think I can get away with it.