Archive for May 2012


It has been a long day but has finally finished the Sky Rig Rebellion editing. I had a long worrying day Friday but now it is all under control

These are my final disc and DVD cover designs.

I would like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed this project.

smoke and day

Today has been an interresting day in creating smoke from the engines, and learning about the maya sun, I feel that now I am very very close to renderring.

pre-vis with the proper ending

The last video I posted seemed to not have the ending black out. I first blamed it on youtube, but it seemed due to the way it had exported from premier, so to fix this, I added a very quick fade in to black, to tell it to go to black at that point. I hope you like the new ending, the way it was meant to be.

Sky Rig Rebellion, Fighter Bomber scene

I cant wait to start rendering soon, this is my latest previs, this final look of the scene is complete, I will add in the sky and the smoke from the engines, I also need to create the traser fire.

sky rig rebelion previz with music

This is a previs along with the music, I will now combine shots with the music.

The latest previz from Sky Rig Rebellion

this is my latest previz, establishing shots, and edits.

sky rig rebellion, fighter diving toward the turret

Today has been an interresting day animating the aircraft and tweaking the gun turret. This is pre viz of today.

Sky Rig Rebellion camera shots.

This is a few camera shots I have put together (P1-2) means Part so you are able to comment on each shot individualy.

This pre-viz is showing what kind of shots I am going for and have set up at the moment.

Tweeks and details

This weekend has been an interesting one, I decided to take note of what Phil said about the turrets an now I feel that these look much more nicer. While I was at it, I decided to add in a few extra details such as the cockpit, that now has a control panel and a sight block. I also to add extra details on the guns them selves. I have also animated the props turning, and am getting ready for my first set up.  

Sky Rig Rebellion comes to life

I created this just for a bit of fun, the back drop is just photoshopped, I feel that this brings everything to life.

scale of the aircraft and music theme ideas (feed back please!)

This is a size comparison of the scale between the bomber and the fighter, its quite exciting to see them both in the same scene, and am now going to be working on a small previs of what could be the final scene.

These are 3 songs I have chosen from to go along with the final piece. I am undecided on what tune to go for and would like some feedback.

This is my main influence of song choice for the final piece from the film Memphis Belle.

ARP, Bomber, nearly complete

Flight checks are almost complete for the bomber, it has been quite an eventful few days texturing this bomber.
Slowly creating the panel lines and then launching into the texturing iin which has been quite a fun process.