matt hyland On Wednesday, 12 August 2009

this is the first ever blog for my first CGI course as i start in September and through looking at the other sites given for examples from other peoples work i cant wait to start.

5 Comment

  1. tutorphil says:

    Dear Matt,

    Hey there - welcome aboard! It's Phil here, the guy whose voice you're going to be sick of in just a few weeks time! :-) Now start using your blog creatively; start reviewing the films you've watched and the games you've played, and the interesting stuff you've found on the net; start uploading images that inspire you, clips that get your creative juices flowing, animated shorts that make you think 'I want a bit of that!'

    Apologies for the confusion re. the summer project; I hope now that it all makes sense, you've got the sketchbook, the two sheets of objects and the project documentation itself. If you're able, why not upload your sketches to your blog - however sketchy! Be sure to write about your progress, as I want you to get into the habit of reflecting on your own work and learning to look at it critically.

    I'll follow this post with another containing a list of all the first year blogs that are currently up and running - your classmates to-be; why not pay them a visit and introduce yourself; you might want to start discussing the summer project. Ideally, I'd like you lot to be well acquainted before September 14th, so you don't sit around being all shy and awkward! :-)

    Anyway, have fun with your project, be creative, and enjoy it.

    See you soon, best, Phil

  2. tutorphil says:

    Dave at
    Earl at
    Ruben at
    Charlotte at

  3. im not sure on how this works and i donno how to add people and talk ...

  4. Farideh says:

    just follow people matt but not in a stalkerish way =p

  5. tutorphil says:

    More blogs - go introduce yourself to the class of 2009!

    Farideh at
    Sam at
    Simon at
    Jordan at

    (okay - so you and Farideh already know each other - but yes, Matt - don't stalk people! Just go to the 'comment' button and leave a message... :-)

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